A downloadable game for Windows

Project Status: Incomplete/Prototype

You  WILL find bugs and incomplete features!!!

Take control of a mining ship and explore the vast Gamma Luna System. Mine Asteroids, upgrade your ship, and encounter Cargo Ships!

This game is a sort of passion project of mine. The main concept is to have an open world space exploration game. The main goal is to just relax and mine. Eventually I want to add planets, space stations, pirates, military ships, civilian ships, and a trading system. Maybe one day make it an MMO. But for now I'm staying simple. And the current state of the game is very much an early alpha/prototype. The only thing you can do right now is fly around, blow up asteroids and terrorize a cargo ship. You can't destroy the cargo ship yet, but eventually I'll add it. For now though, enjoy this little prototype and tell me what you think!

Now for important things:

Controls |

W, S - Forward Thrust/ Reverse Thrust

Q,E - Aileron Roll

Z, C - Adjust Yaw

R, F - Increase/Lower Pitch

Alt - Engage Inertia Dampeners

LMB - Click asteroids or targets to attack.

ESC - Pause Menu


Astragenesis_v0-6.zip 66 MB

Install instructions

Download ZIP file

Extract ZIP file

Run Game

Development log

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