Update 1.0.1
Red Descent » Devlog
I asked for feedback on the Game Jam's official Discord and someone shared a few criticisms so I did what they said to the best of my abilities. Below is the change log:
- Fixed a grammar mistake that I noticed in a sentence on the Help Screen.
- Gun shots are a bit less annoying because now the pitch is varied slightly and randomly each shot taken.
- Allies now target either the light red infantry or the heavy red infantry rather that just the lights.
- Ally speeds are randomly selected within a float range.
- Added Movement Speed to the UI.
- Added timer text so you know how long you have before you can spawn in an ally.
- As the game progresses you will notice your characters speed decrease to simulate the soldier getting tired. Which also means the enemies can become faster than YOU.
- Changed the "OPEN FIRE!" voice line (I re-recorded it this time being a bit louder and such).
I think that's everything I changed, I hope I didn't forget anything.
Red-Descent-v1-0-1.zip Play in browser
Apr 26, 2021
Get Red Descent
Red Descent
Run. Shoot. Survive.
More posts
- Jam PostmortemMay 07, 2021
- Update 1.0.2Apr 27, 2021
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